
Redwood Tree

“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” — Eph4:16

Redwood trees do not grow like pines or oaks with individual root systems. Rather, their root systems, while relatively shallow, are completely interconnected. The trees themselves are all outgrowths of a parent tree, and they grow around the parent in a complete circle. This has placed a key role in their survival in being able to hold one another up with the merged roots. No known wind can topple them. Virtually no disease can kill them. They thrive in fires. They are knit together inextricably and bound together in the longest living family on record.

That is Paul’s definition for the church.  We may look separate and individual but in our roots we are one – each an outgrowth of Christ our Head.

Father, thank you that we as the church are a living and dynamic extension of you and your work. Strengthen your church today.

No Other God

You shall not bow down to them (any other gods) or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God…”_ — Exodus 20:5

Consider sports fans at a game; dressed head to toe in paint, yelling and screaming, booing and cheering. Consider a pop concert; persons crying and screaming with arms stretched out reaching for that celebrity.
You see, as humans we are worshipers and we can’t help it. It’s who we are, what we do and how we were made. We therefore need to give our attention over to God. Spend time in prayer, in his word, in fellowship and walking in obedience. From out of that comes our desire to worship God. If you recognize God’s Sovereignty throughout the week, then you shouldn’t have any issues praising, crying and screaming when you meet with the believers (for church services).
What you spend the most time thinking about, doing, or giving the majority of your attention and so your worship to?